
Galaga with Database

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Galaga with Database

The game we had to remake was Galaga, we made this in a weeks time. I had a bit of an idea when we finished the game that I wanted to expand this project and learn something new. I did some research into databases and games and desided to add a database to my game where players make an account and play the game to get the best score possible. When they die and get thier score if the score is better than thier original highscore the new score will be sent to the database and be set in a scoreboard.

For this project I used the Microsfot Azure PlayFab database to store the scores of the players. Next to that I have a login screen where the players can login or register an account. and this information will be saved next to a server ID where the stats of the player get stored. Whem a registed user dies and has a new highscore this will be sent to the database.


This is one of the graphs that the dashboard of Microsfot Azure Playfab displays about game data. This specific one displays the API calls that are made to the server to save somebody their scores / account creation / login.


This is the leaderboard of the players with the highest scores that have been saved. The names are the user IDs of the players in the database.

If you enjoyed this read or have questions feel free to contact me!
